DEAR ABBY: I am with a man who treats me and my kids great. He is kind, caring and very generous. I trust him. However, I have been in a couple of bad relationships. For some reason, I'm drawn to "bad" boys. I'm not sure if I really love this man because there is no "spark." None! Should I stay with someone who is a really great person and treats me good -- but there is no passion -- and learn to live with it, or do I end the relationship? -- NOT SURE WHAT TO DO IN CANADA
DEAR NOT SURE: You might as well end the relationship now because sooner or later you will become bored and it will end anyway. The man you're seeing deserves to have someone who fully appreciates what he has to offer, which you seem unable to do. Continue dating "bad boys" until you finally stop confusing anxiety and disappointment with excitement. You appear to be one of those women who has to learn what's important through pain. You have my sympathy.
To this, I can only hang my head in shame.
As I enter my thirty-first year, I pray that I have learned what's important through pain, so that I can finally stop confusing anxiety and disappointment with excitement.