Saturday, June 28, 2014

2014 readers

Hi everyone-

I made my blog public again, because it's been long enough (I think) that the reasons I locked it down no longer apply.

Things are generally good, but I am crazy as always.  I am now almost married (to a guy I got to know during the Rules experiment, but dated after I had dropped the Rules) and have a 7-month old daughter.  I am now trying to figure out how not to be a horribly anxious parent.

If you'd like to read my Rules experiment from 2010, feel free.  It gets kind of dramatic at the end, after the six-month experiment was over.  If I had insisted on continuing with the Rules, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be with the guy I'm with... he's just NEVER going to comply with the stricter ones like calling for Saturday night dates.  But if I had applied Rules principles (funny phrase) longer, without being super strict on the exact Rules, I might have ended up in a stable relationship and settled down sooner than I did.  Rules principles being, mostly, "don't be all insecure and shit, and don't put up with being treated poorly but also don't create a big production out of it."
