Saturday, June 28, 2014

2014 readers

Hi everyone-

I made my blog public again, because it's been long enough (I think) that the reasons I locked it down no longer apply.

Things are generally good, but I am crazy as always.  I am now almost married (to a guy I got to know during the Rules experiment, but dated after I had dropped the Rules) and have a 7-month old daughter.  I am now trying to figure out how not to be a horribly anxious parent.

If you'd like to read my Rules experiment from 2010, feel free.  It gets kind of dramatic at the end, after the six-month experiment was over.  If I had insisted on continuing with the Rules, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be with the guy I'm with... he's just NEVER going to comply with the stricter ones like calling for Saturday night dates.  But if I had applied Rules principles (funny phrase) longer, without being super strict on the exact Rules, I might have ended up in a stable relationship and settled down sooner than I did.  Rules principles being, mostly, "don't be all insecure and shit, and don't put up with being treated poorly but also don't create a big production out of it."



  1. Glad you ditched them. I liked it as an experiment but thought you'd push away a lot of decent guys. Sorry my life is too busy to ever make it back to the AO for more than a minute each day. Feel free to contact me about anxious parent issues anytime.


  2. I stumbled onto your blog rather randomly. I think you must have told me about it, and I started following it several years ago. Although I guess I couldn't see any of the posts so I totally forgot about it.

    Two things:

    1. I'm glad that things are working out for you! Congratulations on being a mom :-)

    2. What the heck is wrong with you? I mean that in the best possible way. You're one of the most smart and competent and interesting women I've ever known. Why do you need to follow anyone else's plan for how to get what you want? If you ever say "Jump" the world will say "How high?"
