Guy from random city 3 hours away: He seemed highly interested on Jdate, sent me a couple of substantive e-mails on Jdate and I ended up ignoring one by accident because he's not really convenient (and his profile says he doesn't want to relocate). He then e-mailed again and said something cheeky about my lack of response, so I responded. He asked for my number, so I gave it to him. We played phone tag for a while, and then I had texted him approximately when I would be free. He responded: "Amy [not my name], Heading 2 sleep soon. Chat 2morrow or l8ter this week?" 12 minutes later he texted again: "[Rulebreaker], Sorry I didn't look very carefully @ phone. Trying 2 go 2 sleep but not sound impersonal. I need glasses. Just going 2 gym 2morrow and will b free after 6:30." Um. Next. Did not respond. A week later he texted that he'd be in my city that weekend if I wanted to get together. Did not respond.
Ortho dude: I IMed him in NY (rulebreaking), he asked me out, I met him to hang out in Central Park, he engaged in disastrous non-Rulesy conversation which I ultimately indulged because it was so obviously not going anywhere for me. An hour or so after I contrivedly ended the date, he texted "if u want to go out again u can." Huh? Next.
Dr. Capricorn: I accidentally indicated on that I was "interested" in this M.D., not knowing it would tell him so. Since I was only on for the free weekend I emailed and said I was confused about the site, but gave him my e-mail address. Again, unrules. But he initiated from there and was really warm and I was pretty excited about him! I met him for drinks one night, and everything was good for awhile, until I indicated that I admired Barack Obama and he unleashed a 30-minute tirade about the horror of health care reform. His eyes got all wild and demonic. A day or so later he e-mailed that it was cool to meet me, and "I know some good fish and sushi places." Oh really? Congratulations.
Froofy man: This NY guy had IMed me early on in my Jdate subscription, and was one of those over-emo guys. "How do you feel about long distance relationships?" etc. I talked to him briefly, very rulesily (for IM which you're technically not supposed to do) and then gave him my e-mail. Which he never used. So when I decided I was going to break the Rules and attempt to Jdate guys in NYC, I e-mailed him. He immediately e-mailed me AND Jdate messaged me with the subject line "[Rulebreaker] and [Froofy man] in NYC," and attaching several photos of himself utterly unsolicited. He talked about how great it was that I had messaged him and how it had improved his birthday weekend. When we went out he was a little effeminate for me, although cute when not moving or talking. The conversation was fairly strange. He described his gluten-free diet at length, and distinguished his wheat allergy from celiac disease. He asked questions about what I was looking for, which I absolutely hate on first Jdates. The example that captures his essence: I poured vinegar into the oil for my bread - that I would be eating by myself, of course - and he mentioned it looked like those inkblot tests. So unthinkingly, I was like "oh really, what do you see?" - myself seeing something that looked sort of like a wishbone. He went into this fairly detailed speech about how he saw two people coming together for the first time, with anticipation and uncertainty, and how one of them was cradling the other one. After he was finally done with this mortifying conclusion, I paused, then responded, "that's pretty deep for someone with a wheat allergy." When he walked me back to my hotel, he said enthusiastically how he'd like to see me again, and then never called or e-mailed. I wasn't terribly disappointed (and probably wouldn't have gone out with him again anyway).
Guy with kid: Very cute guy from eharmony with a child that looked about six in the picture. His profile was rambling, incoherent, and sappy. The friend I showed it to said "next" immediately. But his first e-mail to me after we made it to that stage of communication (see eharmony post, not yet written) was really nice. I was looking forward to meeting him but we had a bit of trouble getting it together. From my perspective, this was because I was out of town and busy. I was flexible on the texting rule for that reason but wasn't super responsive or quick on the texts b/c Rules. We talked on the phone once for about ten minutes, and he seemed interested in my religious activities, which made me happy. But after not being able to accept his invitation to hang out "Wednesday or Thursday after work," he said in a text: "Okay, something doesn't feel right here - not enough energy/interest. But I wish u all the best out there. Take care [Rulebreaker]."
I hope this has been a pleasant break from texting guy.
Thanks to online dating, I have a few more first dates lined up but that's it. This is a good thing, because otherwise I might find myself in an awkward situation re my BIRTHDAY PARTY. Which is ominously close. Also, because I really would like to write a little more in this blog before it technically expires, and going on a lot of second and third dates + insane workload = no time to write.
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