Friday, February 26, 2010


Today I found out that I broke up a relationship.

OK, perhaps I'm giving myself too much credit. I am hardly a threat to any relationship, as for some reason my guy-sensors instantly go dead as soon as I know someone is taken (possible exception: ex boyfriends, but that has only happened once). Also, I'm really very nice and cool to the wives and girlfriends of male coworkers, friends, etc. Rulebreaker is not at all the homewrecker type.

No, my blog indirectly led to one of my female readers determining that her boyfriend wasn't putting enough effort in, and she Nexted him.

This reminds me very much of Jennifer Aniston's character in the movie "He's Just Not That Into You." That guy manned up in the end, I think. Only time will tell on this one.


  1. Something tells me that relationship story might not be over yet. As you say, only time will tell.

  2. If you're blog got someone to break up w their boyfriend because he's not stepping up to the bar, then good riddance. This is certainly not a time to feel bad.

    In fact, good for you for empowering someone to recognize their worth and set a high standard for the people they date! And good for her too.

    No girl needs dead weight. We're better off alone. Why would anyone want something that is not good for them, or not in alignment with their highest intention for themselves? Everyday a woman's with a guy who's not right for her, she is eliminating the possibility of meeting someone who is.

    So... good for both of you. NEXT!

    - A Practicing Rules Girl
