Saturday, January 23, 2010

No more excuses

Last night I delved back into the text of the Rules. I started with the Online Dating stuff because I hadn't read it yet. There is some serious bs in there, I am really looking forward to ripping it apart. Interestingly, e-mail has been crowned equal to phone, and IMing is basically banned.

Tonight I bailed on not one, but three social things that I was supposed to do because I was down about the breakupiversary. That is, it has been a month since my last relationship went up in flames and I was more sensitive about it than I thought I would be given that my mood has generally been good lately. This behavior (bailing) is extremely counter to both the Rules (which says to put yourself out there and be positive all the time) and my blog (which will be relatively uninteresting if I never get dates).

As of Monday, no more excuses. I am a "Creature Unlike Any Other" - their term; a silly one, but whatever - and I have a positive outlook on life and a good attitude about everything!

Note: to be fair, I was at event #1 for a long time, then bailed early to attend event #2, which was at a cougar bar that had a 30-minute wait to get into - extremely undesirable to a lonesome and schlubbily-dressed me (also not Rules-y, but it has been an extremely busy week). There was no way I was going to risk a line to attend event #3 so I came home. I should go to bed but feel sort of paralyzed from the string of bad decisions I just made.

Note #2: Although no guy is supposed to ever have any evidence that you use electronic devices other than your cell phone on a weekend, anonymous blog posting on a Saturday night is technically not breaking the Rules because no guy I am Rules-ing is supposed to know who I am.


  1. Cougar bar, what's up with that? There are bars which are known to attract older, hot women?

  2. I have a few questions:

    1) What places does "The Rules" suggets are best for meeting potential dates?

    2) Where have you met your previous boyfirends?

    I would suspect the traditional advice holds: for relationship material work, church, and social gatherings with friends are best while bars, clubs, and prisons are the worst.

  3. "Cougar bar" is not my term, but I have to assume that's what's meant by it.

    I'll probably post about question #1, and to answer #2, usually in classes, work, or activities. Never in bars. One Jdate relationship, was only on that site for a month in a new city. Met some creeps and one decent dude.

  4. "Although no guy is supposed to ever have any evidence that you use electronic devices other than your cell phone on a weekend..."

    One time I had a girlfriend who was apartment hunting. I found out she had made a spreadsheet to manage all the relevant information and it gave me a boner.
